Self-employed stories: Izzy Morris

We chat with the wonderful Izzy, one of our customers who runs a successful digital marketing hustle on the side of her full-time job. We chat about what it is like run a side hustle and how Izzy maintains a work-life balance.
Hey Izzy, tell us a bit about your side hustle!
I enable brands and people to find new and maintain customers, through social media advertising services such as Instagram and TikTok. Put simply, ads on social media.
What did you think running a side hustle would be like vs what it is actually like?
I thought it would be working weekends, whereas for me it’s finding time early in the day to fit the extra hours in for the amazing brands I work with. I also thought finding clients would take up a lot of time, but all of my work has either come through a recommendation or LinkedIn posts.
What is one thing you have learnt about yourself since starting your side hustle?
Being up early is the key to me getting everything done. My golden hours are 7:30am to 9:30am, and I can get a crazy amount done within this time slot when I get my head down.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about starting up their own side hustle?
The time you need exists somewhere already, you need to find it. You don’t have to work every day, you need to find times that work for you and your own productivity.
How do you manage a work-life balance?
I’m an early bird, which means I stop working at about 6pm on a weekday. I’ve also started drinking less alcohol where possible, because being hungover is bad for my productivity and steals my energy.
What is a tool/app you recently discovered?
I only started using Notion last year and I’m obsessed with it. I use it both professionally and personally, it’s top notch for keeping my life in check.
Now for some fun ones, what is your favourite song?
Anything by Gwen Stefani, she defined my teenage years and I still listen to the Love Angel Music Baby album daily.
Is there anything you are saving up for?
We’ve just bought a house that’s a renovation project, so currently we are saving to extend it, hopefully turning it into the house we dream of.
What small brand do you love?
Studio 10, they are a pro age makeup and skin care brand. They are the antidote to the fear of ageing skin that the media enforces. The founder Grace, is a powerhouse of knowledge and passion, who I couldn’t admire any more.
You can find Izzy on LinkedIn here.
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